中国移动通信集团有限公司(China Mobile Communications Group Co.,Ltd,简称中国移动、CMCC)是按照国家电信体制改革的总体部署,于2000年4月20日成立的中央企业。2017年12月,中国移动通信集团公司进行公司制改制,企业类型由全民所有制企业变更为国有独资公司,并更名为中国移动通信集团有限公司。中国移动是一家基于GSM、TD-SCDMA和TD-LTE制式网络的移动通信运营商。中国移动全资拥有中国移动(香港)集团有限公司,由其控股的中国移动有限公司在国内31个省(自治区、直辖市)和香港设立全资子公司,并在香港和纽约上市,主要经营移动语音、数据、宽带、IP电话和多媒体业务,并具有计算机互联网国际联网单位经营权和国际出入口经营权。2015年中国移动通信集团有限公司北京地区新装修的营业厅装修后即需投入使用,因此,通过公开招标需要对2015年至2017年北京地区新装修营业厅进行室内空气污染治理的服务。经专家评标后,我公司中标。在对北京地区移动营业厅的治理方面,我们以精益求精的服务获得了客户的认可。
China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. is a central enterprise established on April 20, 2000 in accordance with the overall arrangement of the national telecommunications system reform. In December 2017, China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMG) carried out a corporate restructuring. The type of enterprise was changed from a nationally owned enterprise to a wholly state-owned company, which was renamed China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. China Mobile is a mobile communication operator based on GSM, TD-SCDMA and TD-LTE. China Mobile owns China Mobile (Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd. wholly. China Mobile Limited, which is controlled by China Mobile, has set up wholly-owned subsidiaries in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Hong Kong. It is listed in Hong Kong and New York. It mainly deals in mobile voice, data, broadband, IP telephone and multimedia services, and has the right to operate and operate international networking units of computer Internet. The right to operate international import and export. In 2015, the newly renovated business hall of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. in Beijing needs to be put into use immediately after renovation. Therefore, through public bidding, it is necessary to carry out indoor air pollution control services for the newly renovated business hall in Beijing from 2015 to 2017. After evaluation by experts, our company won the bid. In the management of the mobile business hall in Beijing, we have been recognized by our customers with the service of excellence.